“I Have Found The One Whom My Soul Loves.”

Songs of Solomon 3:4

Welcome to our wedding website! Thank you for visiting. We are very excited to get married and hope you can join us on our wedding day. Here, you’ll find all the information you need to know about our wedding. Don’t forget to RSVP!

Carmen and Joel met at a church event. After a couple of months Joel followed Carmen on Instagram and connected through shared interests. They communicated for about a year until Joel asked Carmen’s parents to be able to date her. After 4 years of dating, Joel decided to ask Carmen to spend the rest of their lives together. And she said YES! Now here we are expecting you as their guest to their wedding!

The Proposal

Joel proposed to Carmen on November 23, 2023. Carmen and her family went over to Connecticut to spend Thanksgiving with Joel’s family. This gave Joel the perfect opportunity to propose to Carmen. Joel set up a photoshoot with Carmen and as they were strolling around taking pictures Carmen was left with the surprise of a lifetime. A proposal set up with both families. Carmen and Joel will cherish this memory for years to come.